How to Build an Online Database APP by Python, PySide6 and Google Sheets (12): View Settings

Henry Wu
3 min readDec 26, 2023



This article is about how to “View Settings” in the App:

Call function in the Main Window

  • Clears the existing content in the main window.
  • Creates an instance of SettingsDialog, passing google_sheets_client as a parameter.
  • Converts the content of the settingsTable in SettingsDialog to HTML format using table_to_html.
  • Displays the HTML content in a message box for user viewing.
    def display_settings_form(self):

# Create a SettingsDialog
settings_dialog = SettingsDialog(self.google_sheets_client)

# Get the table content as HTML
table_html = SettingsDialog.table_to_html(settings_dialog.settingsTable)

# Create a QMessageBox to display the HTML content
message_box = QMessageBox(self)

# Set the informative text with center alignment

# Show the message box

Create View Settings Class

  • __init__: Initializes the dialog, sets the window title, and creates a layout.
  • A table (settingsTable) is created to display settings data, with editing disabled.
class SettingsDialog(QDialog):
def __init__(self, google_sheets_client):

self.google_sheets_client = google_sheets_client

# Create a QVBoxLayout for the dialog
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)

# Create a table for settings
self.settingsTable = QTableWidget()
self.settingsTable.setEditTriggers(QTableWidget.NoEditTriggers) # Set the table as read-only


# Load data from the sheet

# Add a note at the bottom
note_label = QLabel("Log in to Google Sheets to change the settings.")
  • loadData: Loads settings data from a specified worksheet ("99_Settings") in Google Sheets, sets the table's column and row count, and populates it with the fetched data.
  • A label is added as a note at the bottom of the dialog, informing users to log in to Google Sheets to change settings.
    def loadData(self):
# Fetch data from Google Sheets
worksheet = self.google_sheets_client.open_spreadsheet(GOOGLESHEET_ID).worksheet("99_Settings")
settingsData = worksheet.get_all_values()

if not settingsData:

# Extract column names from the first row
column_names = settingsData[0]

# Set the number of columns and rows in the table
self.settingsTable.setRowCount(len(settingsData) - 1) # Exclude the header row

# Set the column names as horizontal header labels

# Populate the table with data
for row_idx, row_data in enumerate(settingsData[0:]): # Exclude the header row
for col_idx, cell_data in enumerate(row_data):
item = QTableWidgetItem(cell_data)
item.setFlags(item.flags() ^ Qt.ItemIsEditable) # Make the cell uneditable
self.settingsTable.setItem(row_idx, col_idx, item)
  • Converts the content of a QTableWidget (the settings table) into an HTML table format.
  • Additional HTML elements like paragraphs for notes or contact information are added for context and clarity.
    def table_to_html(table_widget):
# Create an HTML table from the QTableWidget content
note_html_0 = "<p style='text-align: center;'><b>Settings<></p>"
note_html_1 = "<p style='text-align: center;'></p>"
html = "<table border='1'>"
for row in range(table_widget.rowCount()):
html += "<tr>"
for col in range(table_widget.columnCount()):
item = table_widget.item(row, col)
if item is not None:
html += f"<td style='text-align: center;'>{item.text()}</td>"
html += "<td style='text-align: center;'></td>"
html += "</tr>"
html += "</table>"
note_html_2 = f"<p style='text-align: center;'>Tech Support: {EMAIL_HENRY}</p>"
html = note_html_0 + html + note_html_1 + note_html_2

return html



Henry Wu
Henry Wu

Written by Henry Wu

Indie Developer/ Business Analyst/ Python/ AI/ Former Journalist/ Codewriter & Copywriter