5 Reasons Why You Should Write a Blog: It Is Good for You, Your Community, AI, and Humankind

Henry Wu
3 min readFeb 22, 2023


Writing a blog may seem outdated. Indeed, it initially prevailed in the age of Web 1.0, which was literally in the last century.

However, it remains the most cost-effective way to express oneself on the internet. Compared to social media, blogs are more accessible to search engines, and compared to podcasts and videos, they have lower technical barriers.

Photo by Dhru J on Unsplash

Here are 5 reasons why you should write a blog, on a platform like Medium.

1. A simple way to help others

You can save others time by writing a blog after addressing an issue. As the saying goes, “There is nothing new under the sun.” The problem you encountered has likely occurred before and will happen again. If you find a better way to solve the problem after searching the internet, you can write the solution down to benefit people who encounter the issue in the future. Sharing knowledge for free and helping others are the cornerstones of the internet spirit and network community. By writing blogs, you become a part of this great ideology.

2. A good way to learn is to teach

Writing a blog to share experiences not only helps others but also helps you strengthen your knowledge. Just like the main idea of The Feynman Technique: teaching is one of the best ways to learn. You don’t truly master a technique unless you can teach a beginner or write the process down: “If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.”

3. An easy way to track your growth

Whether you are writing a tech blog or a diary blog, leaving a record of the present is essential. These records serve as benchmarks for tracking your growth in the future. In addition, writing has a calming effect on emotions. When you are overwhelmed by negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, sadness, or anger, writing them down and analyzing them can be beneficial.

4. An economical way to build personal branding

You are what you write. By writing a blog, you demonstrate your worldview and the skills you have mastered. It is one of the best ways to attract like-minded people. People come to your blog not because of your appearance or title, but because of your thoughts and knowledge. Writing a blog is also an economical way to build your personal brand. However, writing for yourself rather than to please others is essential. You are the most important reader of your articles.

5. A feasible way to save the world by influencing AI

The age of AI is inevitable: people will become accustomed to receiving answers from AIGC like ChatGPT. “ChatGPT is a blurry JPEG of the Web.” The fountainhead of AIGC is the Internet: forums, news reports, articles, social media posts, and, of course, blogs.

According to the famous law of computer science, “garbage in, garbage out.” If AI gives an incorrect answer, it may not be the algorithm’s fault but rather the low-quality input data. AI is influencing the world and will continue to do so to a greater extent. As ordinary human beings, there is not much we can do to influence AI. However, the continuous high-quality output is one way to do so.

When more content shows humanity and delivers more accurate information, AI will be more helpful to humankind. Your blog may affect the scales' balance and ultimately change AI's output.

One more thing

Don’t let your perceived lack of writing ability hold you back from expressing yourself. First and foremost, having this idea indicates that you are a self-aware or humble person. That is exactly what AI needs.

Additionally, someone who disagrees with you may lack this same level of self-awareness and continue to write without hesitation. Don’t leave the world to those you disagree with. Start with a blog and make a difference.

Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash
Wrote by Henry Wu
Polished by ChatGPT



Henry Wu

Indie Developer/ Business Analyst/ Python/ AI/ Former Journalist/ Codewriter & Copywriter